- HikeType General Hike
- PaceTypes Medium: 3 to 4 km/h
- TerrainTypes ,Strenuous: Hilly with steep climbs and some poor footing.,There might be muddy sections.,There might be sections with water on the trail.
- PaidOuting No
Hosting Club: Sydenham
Category: General Hike
Location (Google Maps): The Owen Sound Galaxy Theatre parking lot. Meet at the tall "Galaxy Centre" sign next to the traffic lights.
Hike Leader(s): Ian Mills Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)
Pace: Medium: 3 to 4 km/h
Terrain: Strenuous: Hilly with steep climbs and some poor footing., There might be muddy sections., There might be sections with water on the trail.
Distance: 12 km
Starting at the end of Pitt Road (Map 36 - south of Km 35.8) on the Boundary Bluffs Side Trail north to and along the main trail overlooking Sydney Bay until Hart’s Tongue Side Trail then following the Boundary Bluffs Side Trail south to our start area. This is a 4 hour hike excluding stops - we will be taking a lunch break half way. While the pace is medium expect a challenging hike with lots of ups and downs. Good hiking shoes mandatory and a walking stick is recommended. If you are unable to register please call or text Ian Mills @ 416-848-8818.