- HikeType Event Hikes
- HikeIcon https://hikes.brucetrail.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/7/marker_other-2.png
- PaidOuting Yes
Registration Required:
Registration Costs
Members - $65.00
Child Members - $65.00
Non-Members - $65.00
Child Non-Members - $65.00
Hosting Club: Niagara
Category: Event Hikes
Location (Google Maps): Room WH207
Welch Hall Brock University. Parking free Zone 1
Hike Leader(s): Alan Laver Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)
This is a 2 session course for "Hike Ontario" Certified Hike Leader. The first session will take place on Zoom at 6:30 to 8:30 on January 27th and will be an opportunity to introduce yourself, get an insight to the course content and share your hiking experiences. The main session on Sunday at Brock University will start at 8:30 and will be in class learning until the afternoon when practical hike leading scenarios will take place. You must bring a backpack with items you would carry on a hike as a leader as we will be sharing this. Dress for the weather and bring a packed lunch.
Most BTC members will be reimbursed by their individual clubs subject to participating in leading hikes
Course Literature will be provided