This hike is at capacity Car Hike: Where Geology and Biodiversity meet HIke with Beth Gilhespy geologist and author

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09/28/2024 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

This hike is at capacity Car Hike: Where Geology and Biodiversity meet HIke with Beth Gilhespy geologist and author

  • HikeType Car Hike
  • HikeIcon
  • PaceTypes Leisurely (2-3 km/hr)
  • TerrainTypes ,Rocky,Variable
  • PaidOuting No
Sorry, the registration cut-off time for this hike has been reached.

Hosting Club: Toronto
Category: Car Hike
Location (Google Maps): Toronto section Silver Creek Map13 Edition 31 Parking at the Silver Creek Outdoor Education Centre Km 36.2 Fallbrook Trail NW of 27 Sideroad
THis hike is at its capacity no further registrations

Hike Leader(s): Lynn McFerran Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)

Pace: Leisurely (2-3 km/hr)
Terrain: Rocky, Variable
Distance: 6-8 km


This hike is another of the Biodiversity Team education hikes to help hikers learn more about the region where we hike. Beth is a geologist and has led hikes in various part of the Bruce Trail sharing her knowledge about the geology of the area. The Silver Creek section has lots of interesting geological features.This will be a great day out hiking and learning.
Please dress for the day, Hiking boots recommended, bring your lunch, water and snacks. This hike will go rain or shine.