Bus Hike: Presqu’ile Provincial Park Alpaca Hike!

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04/27/2024 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM

Bus Hike: Presqu'ile Provincial Park Alpaca Hike!

  • HikeType Bus Hike
  • HikeIcon https://hikes.brucetrail.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/7/marker_bus-hikes-2.png
  • PaceTypes Moderate
  • TerrainTypes Flat
  • PaidOuting Yes

Trip Information
Departure Time: 08:00
Return to City Time: 18:30
Departure Point: York Mills Bus Pickup

Registration Required:

Registration Costs
Members - $30.00
Child Members - $14.00
Non-Members - $37.00
Child Non-Members - $18.00

Additional Costs
Park Fee: $1.75

Long Distance Fees apply
A late return is anticipated

Sorry, the registration cut-off time for this hike has been reached.
Please Note: Refunds are not allowed for this hike

Optional Items

Hosting Club: Toronto
Category: Bus Hike
Location (Google Maps): Presqu'ile Provincial Park

Hike Leader(s): Lisa Ruth Lifshitz, Nijole Mockevicius Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)

Pace: Moderate
Terrain: Flat
Distance: 8-9 km


Come join us for a wonderful and relaxing outing to Presqu'ile Provincial Park, located in Brighton, Ontario.  We will hike the best trail of the Park, visiting paths along the shorelines, woodlands and meadows.  We will also stop at the second oldest operating lighthouse in Ontario.  We will eat lunch in park and then take the marsh boardwalk trail accessing the largest protected marsh on the north shore of Lake Ontario.  Early afternoon we will leave the Park to go visit Old Mill Alpacas, a nearby Alpca farm where you will have the opportunity to take turns walking Alpacas, spend time with them to feed them apples, learn about their habits and watch the "running of the Alpacas" as they go for dinner.   We have negotiated a special rate for this experience ($30, tax included) which must be paid to Lisa in advance to join the bus.  Please e-transfer $30 to lisa.ruth@rogers.com per person attending promptly after you register for this hike on the site.  If time permits, we will also stop at the Big Apple before we head back to Toronto.  Total hiking around 8-9km but it will be an amazing day.

Reminder to our non-members: You are most welcome to join this hike but you must remember to sign up with the Bruce Trail using this signup process in addition to e-transferring payment for the Alpaca tour as you have to be formally registered (and pay the Bruce Trail bus fees) in advance to get on the bus.