- HikeType Urban Walk
- HikeIcon https://hikes.brucetrail.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/7/marker_urban-walks.png
- PaceTypes Moderate
- TerrainTypes Flat
- PaidOuting No
Hosting Club: Toronto
Category: Urban Walk
Location (Google Maps): Durham Waterfront Trail
Hike Leader(s): Brian Rideout Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)
Pace: Moderate
Terrain: Flat
Distance: 11 km
Please join me under the clock in the Great Hall at Union Station by 9:05 am. We will take the eastbound Lakeshore Train departing Union Station GO at 9:20 am, arriving Ajax GO at 10:15 am. You may choose to join the group at Ajax GO Station.
We will hike south to Lake Ontario (washrooms in the park), west to Sandy Beach Rd, and north to Bayly St with a pub stop at Irish Times adjacent to Pickering GO. Trains to Toronto depart at 25 minutes and 55 minutes after the hour.
Here is an online map of our route (please click on the link): Ajax to Pickering
You can buy a GO Transit day pass for $10.