- HikeType Nature Walks
- PaceTypes Leisurely - 3 km/hour or less
- TerrainTypes Moderate - some hills and/or some poor footing
- PaidOuting No
Hosting Club: Caledon Hills
Category: Nature Walks
Location (Google Maps): Meet at the Mono Community Centre, 200 m south of Mono Centre (County Road 8). 44.026195, -80.071516
Directions: From ON-10 head east onto Dufferin Rd. 8/Mono Centre Rd. for 6.0 km. The Community Centre is on the right.
Hike Leader(s): Richard Smythe and Sandy Green Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)
Pace: Leisurely - 3 km/hour or less
Terrain: Moderate - some hills and/or some poor footing
Distance: 5 kilometres
We will explore the Whitetail Refuge Nature Reserve under a starry sky and the February Snow Moon. Pack a headlamp or flashlight. Bring icers or snowshoes depending on the snow conditions and dress for the weather. Hot chocolate will be served. (Note: This hike can be used towards earning your CHBTC 60 for the 60th commemorative badge.)