Scotsdale Farm Great Esker

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07/21/2024 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Scotsdale Farm Great Esker

  • HikeType General Hike
  • PaceTypes Medium - 3 to 4 km/hr
  • TerrainTypes Moderate - Some hills and/or some poor footing
  • PaidOuting No
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Hosting Club: Iroquoia
Category: General Hike
Location (Google Maps): Scotsdale Farm 8th Line parking lot

Hike Leader(s): Karen Bergmann Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)

Pace: Medium - 3 to 4 km/hr
Terrain: Moderate - Some hills and/or some poor footing
Distance: 10 kms


Meet in the parking lot off 8 Line at 9:15 am. We'll hike the Maureen Smith Side Trail to the main trail and around the Great Esker Side Trail, back to the main trail and the Bennet Heritage Side Trail for a total of about 10 kms.  There are some hills.  Bring bug spray/bug net, water and a snack.