Riverside Woods Nature Reserve

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01/28/2025 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Riverside Woods Nature Reserve

  • HikeType Tuesday Hike
  • HikeIcon https://hikes.brucetrail.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/7/marker_other-1.png
  • PaceTypes ,Leisurely,Medium
  • TerrainTypes ,Moderate,Slippery and Steep Sections
  • PaidOuting No
Sorry, the registration cut-off time for this hike has been reached.

Hosting Club: Dufferin Hi-Land
Category: Tuesday Hike
Location (Google Maps):

Caledon Hills Section, Map 18 (Edition 31)
Meet at the BTC parking lot at the bend in 1st Line EHS, north of 5 Sideroad. Mono

Hike Leader(s): Les Babbage, Inge Eckerich, Julie Daley, Tony Evangelista Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)

Pace: Leisurely, Medium
Terrain: Moderate, Slippery and Steep Sections
Distance: 4.5 km; Short Hike: 2.2 km


We will hike a loop consisting of the Goodyear Memorial and Upland Side Trails, with a short side trip on the Rushing River Side Trail.  The shorter hike will turn back at the Rushing River Side Trail. Please bring icers, poles, snowshoes (weather depending), water and a snack.