Lollipop Hike

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07/17/2024 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Lollipop Hike

  • HikeType Good Companions
  • PaceTypes Leisurely - 3km/hr or less
  • TerrainTypes Moderate - Some hills and/or some poor footing
  • PaidOuting No
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Hosting Club: Iroquoia
Category: Good Companions
Location (Google Maps): Halton Agreement Forest

Hike Leader(s): Anne Armstrong Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)

Pace: Leisurely - 3km/hr or less
Terrain: Moderate - Some hills and/or some poor footing
Distance: Approx. 9 km.


Come out and enjoy the coolness of the forest in the summer. We will hike some of the trails of this impressive forest with its multiple hiking and biking trails.  New Meeting point: northeast corner of the Mohawk/Woodbine Casino Racetrack on the west side of Guelph Line, just above the 401 at 9:15 for a 9:30 am. start. This spot is north of the 401. Bring water a snack, insect repellent and sunscreen. Poles might be helpful.
Contact the leader via this form if you have any questions.