Letchworth State Park, New York

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09/07/2024 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Letchworth State Park, New York

  • HikeType Car Pool
  • HikeIcon https://hikes.brucetrail.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/7/marker_car-hikes-2.png
  • PaceTypes ,Leisurely,Medium
  • TerrainTypes Moderate
  • PaidOuting No
Sorry, the registration cut-off time for this hike has been reached.

Hosting Club: Niagara, Blue Mountains
Category: Car Pool
Location (Google Maps): Parking area at the corner of Lakeshore Rd and Beatrice St. Fort Erie, ON

Hike Leader(s): Marion Hanover Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)

Pace: Leisurely, Medium
Terrain: Moderate
Distance: 11 km


Letchworth State Park, renowned as the "Grand Canyon of the East," is one of the most scenically magnificent areas in the eastern U.S. The Genesee River roars through the gorge over three major waterfalls between cliffs--as high as 600 feet in some places--surrounded by lush forests.

We will drive 1.5 hour to the park in the minium amount of cars needed.  Once we spot the cars we will hike The Gorge Trail on the lower part of the park, west of the Genesee River, enjoying all the beauty along the way.

After our hike we will go to a diner for late lunch/ early dinner.