- HikeType Iroquoia E2E-in-Ten
- PaceTypes Brisk - 4 to 5 km/hr
- TerrainTypes ,Dependent on Conditions,Slippery Sections Likely,Strenuous - Hilly with steep climbs and some poor footing
- PaidOuting Yes
Hike open to BTC Members only.
This is a Multi-Day Hike
You are signing up for the following dates:
2022-11-28, 2022-11-29, 2022-12-05, 2022-12-06, 2022-12-07
Registration Required:
Registration Cost
Members - $30.00
Child Members - $0.00
Hosting Club: Iroquoia
Category: Iroquoia E2E-in-Ten
Location (Google Maps): Various locations throughout the Iroquoia section of the Bruce Trail
Hike Leader(s): Bryon Robertson Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)
Pace: Brisk - 4 to 5 km/hr
Terrain: Dependent on Conditions, Slippery Sections Likely, Strenuous - Hilly with steep climbs and some poor footing
Distance: Varies by hike, 10 - 16km
This series of hikes is geared toward the experienced hiker capable of maintaining an average hourly pace of at least 3.5 km./ hr.
Each day will start with one of the odd-numbered hikes from the E2E-in-10. At the end of the odd-numbered hike, hikers will enjoy a brief lunch stop, before those who wish to do the following even-numbered hike on the same day complete it.
Those who do not complete the even-numbered hike on the same day will have the opportunity to do so with Bryon in the New Year.
To register for Bryon's E2E in 10, you must register and pay for THIS entry in the hike schedule, and then join the (free) waitlist for either :
Same day even-numbered E2E in 10 hikes with Bryon
New year even-numbered E2E in 10 hikes with Bryon
Only those who have registered for this entry in the hike schedule will be accepted for an even-numbered series - others will be removed from the waitlist.
Because of the distances involved for those completing two hikes per day (which will require 7-8 hours), hikers will meet each day at 8:00 AM. carpool to the start point and begin hiking by 8:30 each day. No provision for dropouts (apart from ~midway, for those hiking even-numbered hikes in the new year) has been made and transportation in this instance will be the hiker's personal responsibility.
The terrain in some places is tough, and depending on weather conditions, could be slippery. Proper hiking boots and attire is therefore mandatory and hiking poles, rain gear, sufficient water, food and clothing in layers is advisable.
This is a special series of 10 hikes with a new accomplishment badge. The registration fee includes the new special event badge, however, it will be up to a hiker who has not earned the badge in time to receive it on the last hike to arrange to pick up the badge or have it posted to them.
The fee goes towards supporting the Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club, which in turn supports the mission of the Bruce Trail Conservancy, which is: "Preserving a ribbon of wilderness, for everyone, forever."
For the time being, registration for the Iroquoia E2E-in-Ten will be limited to members of the Bruce Trail Conservancy. Hikers can belong to any section.
A maximum of 3 (of the 10) hikes can be self-completed as a result of scheduling challenges, but it is intended that this badge be earned while hiking as part of a group led by a certified hike leader.
Please note there are no refunds!
This particular set of 10 hikes is intended to be BRISK (where conditions safely allow). Please be honest about your degree of physical fitness prior to registration.
This series will be through hikes and will require car shuttling, you must be willing to drive or to be a passenger. Some parking locations require paid parking, and hikes that enter Halton Conservation Areas will require reservations. The fee for the E2E-in-Ten does not cover any parking/entry fees for hikers who are not members of the Halton CA and/or Hamilton CA. If the group has enough hikers who are members of a CA, those will be the cars chosen to park in those areas so as to minimize costs. At least one hike starts at one CA and ends at another, so parking fees are unavoidable for non-CA members.