View Calendar
01/07/2025 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
- HikeType Tuesday Hike
- HikeIcon
- PaceTypes Leisurely
- TerrainTypes Moderate
- PaidOuting No
Sorry, the registration cut-off time for this hike has been reached.
Hosting Club: Dufferin Hi-Land
Category: Tuesday Hike
Location (Google Maps): Caledon Hills Section, Map 18
Meet at the Bruce Trail parking lot on the north side of 5 Sideroad Mono, about 500 metres east of Airport Rd (km 45.7, Edition 31)
Hike Leader(s): Julie Daley, Les Babbage, Inge Eckerich, Tony Evangelista Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)
Pace: Leisurely
Terrain: Moderate
Distance: 6.6 km, shorter hike 3.7 km
We will hike the Main Trail to Airport Road, returning by way of Hockleycrest Side Trail. The shorter hike will take Hockley Hollow, Hockleycrest and Harmony Side Trails. Bring icers, poles and snack. Snowshoes may be helpful, depending on the conditions.