View Calendar
02/24/2024 6:30 PM - 9:15 PM
- HikeType General Hike
- HikeIcon
- PaceTypes Medium
- TerrainTypes Moderate
- PaidOuting No
Sorry, the registration cut-off time for this hike has been reached.
Hosting Club: Dufferin Hi-Land
Category: General Hike
Location (Google Maps): Map 20 Km 7.9 ( Bottom of 1 Line EHS )
Hike Leader(s): Bryan and Carol Foley Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)
Pace: Medium
Terrain: Moderate
Distance: 8.5 km
The February Moon is known as the " Snow Moon " We will explore Mono Cliffs Provincial Park under a starry sky and full moon. Bring Water, Snowshoes, Icers, Headlamp ( flashlight ) Dress for the weather. Please arrive by 6:15pm ready to leave promptly at 6:30 pm. Contact hike leader if you have any questions. Please remove your name from the sign up sheet if you must cancel.