Dundas Valley Loops

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01/17/2025 9:15 AM - 3:30 PM

Dundas Valley Loops

  • HikeType General Hike
  • HikeIcon https://hikes.brucetrail.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/7/marker_urban-walks-1.png
  • PaceTypes Medium
  • TerrainTypes Moderate
  • PaidOuting No
Sorry, the registration cut-off time for this hike has been reached.

Hosting Club: Dufferin Hi-Land
Category: General Hike
Location (Google Maps): Iroquoia Section, Map 8. Dundas Valley Conservation Area Parking Lot P3. Take DVCA Trail Centre Entrance off Governors Road, near km 51.8.

Hike Leader(s): Stuart Law Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)

Pace: Medium
Terrain: Moderate
Distance: 15 kms


Join us on a lovely series of trail loops in the Dundas Valley. We take in part of the Bruce Trail and several DVCA trails.  Lots of ups and downs.  Please bring icers, a warm drink, water, a snack for "elevensies", lunch, hiking boots, poles and lots of smiles.  Entrance fee to DVCA in effect at gate.  Please arrive at 9:00 to be ready to hike at 9:15.