- HikeType Special Events
- HikeIcon https://hikes.brucetrail.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/7/SpecialEvent.png
- PaceTypes Medium
- TerrainTypes ,Moderate,Slippery and Steep Sections
- PaidOuting No
Hosting Club: Dufferin Hi-Land
Category: Special Events
Location (Google Maps): Dufferin Hi-Land, Map 20. Meet at BTC Rock Hill parking lot on 1st Line EHS, Mulmur, 300 metres south of 10 Sideroad/County Rd 17 (Km 28.3).
Hike Leader(s): Les Babbage; Helen Bailey Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)
Pace: Medium
Terrain: Moderate, Slippery and Steep Sections
Distance: 8 or 9.5 km
We will hike the Main Trail to the Oliver Creek Loop, returning by way of Moss Haven Side Trail and Main Trail. Option to continue across 1st Line to Rock Hill loop. Lots of hills, streams and crevices. Dress for winter conditions. Snowshoes and/or icers required. Hike leaders will contact registered hikers a day or two before the hike to advise on trail conditions and any weather alerts. Bring water, snacks and lunch.