Dufferin Hi-Land Annual New Year’s Day Hikes – Long

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01/01/2025 9:30 AM - 3:15 PM

Dufferin Hi-Land Annual New Year's Day Hikes - Long

  • HikeType General Hike
  • HikeIcon https://hikes.brucetrail.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/7/marker_urban-walks-1.png
  • PaceTypes Medium
  • TerrainTypes ,Moderate,Slippery Sections Likely
  • PaidOuting No
Sorry, the registration cut-off time for this hike has been reached.

Hosting Club: Dufferin Hi-Land
Category: General Hike
Location (Google Maps): Mono Community Centre. 200m south of Mono Centre (County Road 8).

Hike Leader(s): Stuart Law Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)

Pace: Medium
Terrain: Moderate, Slippery Sections Likely
Distance: 17 kms


Please join us for a Dufferin Hi-Land annual tradition - a New Year's Day hike at Mono Cliffs Provincial Park and its environs.  What better way to start the New Year?  We have three hikes planned - long, medium and short.  This hike is the long one at 17 kms.  The short and medium hikes run by longstanding club members Bryan and Carol Foley and Les Babbage will be posted separately for separate sign-up.  All three hikes will end back at Mono Centre at 3:15 pm or so for seasonal refreshments and good cheer.  We really hope you can make it.  Please dress in warm layers for the weather.  Icers and hiking boots are a must.  Poles recommended.  Please also bring a smile as always, a warm drink, some water, a snack and a lunch.  Please arrive at 9:15 am to be ready to hike at 9:30 am.