Car Hike: Dufferin Hi-Lands 4 of 4 – Cancelled

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06/08/2024 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM

Car Hike: Dufferin Hi-Lands 4 of 4 - Cancelled

  • HikeType Cancelled
  • PaceTypes Moderate
  • TerrainTypes Variable
  • PaidOuting No
Sorry, the registration cut-off time for this hike has been reached.

Hosting Club: Toronto, Dufferin Hi-Land
Category: Cancelled
Location (Google Maps): Dufferin Hi-Land, Map 21

Hike Leader(s): Al Brown Click here to contact Hike Leader(s)

Pace: Moderate
Terrain: Variable
Distance: 11 km


We will complete the last portion of the Dufferin Hi-Land section passing through stream valleys and rolling farmland. After the hike all are invited to join the hike leaders for refreshments in Creemore.

On completion of the hike badges will be given out to those who completed the entire section and requested them. Badges cost about $10 (price to be confirmed). Speak to the hike leader on hike 3 of 4 if you want a badge.

To get to the meeting place go north on Hwy 10 to Primrose. Continue north on Prince of Wales Rd to River Road. Turn right and go about 5 km to Centre Road. Turn left and go about 8 km to Lavender. Turn right and go about 0.5 km to the cemetery